3 Poems I Want to Share

The first poem I’d like to share is in honor of the 9/11/2001 victims and their loved ones. It is a nonet poem: 9 lines with first line having 9 syllables, then 8 syllables, on down to 1 syllable.

photo. REUTERS/Sean Adair


Nineteen years ago—I will not forget

Too many lives lost, needlessly

What happened to our resolve?

Voices shout—more conflict!

Freedom isn’t free

Allow ideas

Listen more

Hold dear


The next two poems are from my proud American soul. And while I write novels set in places other than America, I am very proud and thankful to be an American.


Our forefathers in their infinite wisdom

Not just because of tea taxes and boredom

Or an act thought of as random

Conscripted our Constitution for our freedom


The opposite of captivity

Not just for the nobility

Think of the possibility

Honor your responsibility

Put an end to the hostility

Not only for posterity

But to live with civility

After all, our troops fight for our liberty!


Filed under Writing

Devan Fraser is Interviewed

Last week, a writer friend of mine, George Cramer, interviewed one of my protagonists, Devan Fraser, for his blog/website. Devan had a wonderful time answering questions. Check out the interview at https://gdcramer.com/2020/07/31/guest-post-jordan-bernal-writer-of-adventurous-fantasy/ 

There’s even a sneak peek at my newest novel, The Keepers of Alba (Celtic Dragonriders Book 2), cover. Okay, I’m post the cover here as well.  The  Keepers  of  Alba  will  be  released  on  September  1,  2020.  You  can  pre-order  now  at: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+keepers+of+alba&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss_1


While on George’s website, be sure to check out George’s debut historical novel, The Mona Lisa Sisters, set for publication on August 14, 2020.


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The Keepers of Alba (Celtic Dragonriders book 2) Cover Reveal

I’ve been busy finishing the second book in my Celtic Dragonrider series, The Keepers of Alba. The writing and editing are finally done, so . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . here is a sneak peek at the cover.

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Filed under Writing

Indie Author Day 2018

On Saturday, October 13, 2018, independent authors everywhere celebrated. That’s right, there’s a day set aside to celebrate indie authors. This year, I spent a few hours with one of the most celebrated indie authors, Andy Weir (author of The Martian and Artemis), and 16 other indie authors at the Livermore Library. After Andy spoke to an audience for an hour about his journey as an indie author and how he comes up with his stories, he autographed copies of his books, then talked with each of the other authors.

Andy and I commiserated on being bullied as kids. I told him I actually wrote a scene right out of my life which is depicted in my middle-grade anti-bully novel, Reluctant Paladin.

I talked with readers stopping by and manned my booth.


Filed under Writing

Author Showcase at Dublin Library

 On Saturday, June 9, 2018, the Dublin Library (that’s Dublin, California) hosted a local author showcase for fifteen authors. Tri-Valley Writers co-sponsored the event where authors displayed their books, talked to the public, and sold books. There was a wide variety of genres represented, as well as multicultural and multigenerational authors. I met some eager readers and wonderful authors.

Here I am behind my table where I have my fantasy novels (The Keepers of Éire, The Keepers of Éire-YA Edition, and Reluctant Paladin) and, of course, several of my dragons from my collection.

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